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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/111

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Item xxiij. day of Auguste the pariche of Seynt [Faith ente]rd furst into Jesus chappelle as their parich church and had servys there.[1]

Item the xxvj. of September was the stondynge at the tabulle in Powlles was removyd into the sowth …

Item the viij. day of October was the byshoppe of Chechester[2] and the byshoppe of Worseter[3] conventyd in the byshoppe of London's pallys before the comyssyoners; and the ix. day there … and dyschargyd. Theys ware the commyshoners,—the lorde cheffe barne,[4] doctor Olyver, d[octor] Rede, Lyell, Gosnalle, and (blank).

Item un Myhylmas day the kynges grace went in hys robe that was sent hym from the Frenche kynge of the order of sent My[hyl] at Hamtone cortte wyth gret ryalty there at that tyme.[5]

Item the xj. day of October was made, at Hamtone cortte, John Dudley erle of Warwyke duke of Northum[berland, the] markes Dorsett duke of Suffolke, the lord trezerer markes of Wynchester, William Harbart markes of Pemborke.

Item the xvj. day of October was the duke of Somerset, lorde Gray, sir Raffe Vane, wyth many moo (committed to the Tower), as it shall apere after.

Item, the xxj. day of the same monyth beganne the craftes of London to wacche at the gattes of London at vj. in the mornynge unto vj. at nyghte, and continewyd tylle the xxiij. day of November.

vjo. Ao. Thys yere at afternone on Alhallone day, whan the mayer came to Powlles, there was dyvers person of the duke of Northhumberlondes servanttes wolde have tane the chayne from the kynges shreffes necke in Powlles goynge after the mayer, and wolde have made a fraye within Powlles church, but whan they came with-owte the church at the north dore there thei made a fray and fowte and ware departyd, and went in to the pettycannons and

  1. Jesus chapel was in the erypt of St. Paul's cathedral church: see a note to Machyn's Diary, p. 365. The parishioners of St. Faith were placed in this church in 1551: see Stowe's Survay and Newcourt's Repertorium Londinense, vol. i. p. 349.
  2. George Day.
  3. Nicholas Heath.
  4. Sir Roger Cholmley.
  5. See Machyn's Diary, p. 9, and notes, pp. 321, 397.