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fowte there, that whan the mayer came forthe of Powlles church he was fayen to fett them forth and had them to the counter.

Item on the morrow after the qwene of Scottes[1]came in to London by watter, and soo unto the byshopp of London's palles, and lay there; and the morrow after she went unto the corte un-to the kynges grace, and had there gret chere. And the fryday after shee went hare wayes. And dyvers lordes and ladys browte hare on hare way, and whan she came with-owte Byshoppes gatte the fayryst lady that she hade wyth hare of hare cuntre was stolne away from hare,[2] and soo went forth in hare jorné.

Item the viij. day after, the wyche was the tewsday, there was a tayler that dwelte in Aldersgatstret was sett on the pyllery at afternone, and the cause was that whan the mayer went to Westmyster he callyd them alle cokeoldes; and stode there tylle it was iij. a cloke at after-none.

Item at thys tyme was dyvers proclamacions and pricys made for vyttelles, but it servyt not; and the xxviij. of November was made a cobtrary proclamacyon and sette alle at lyberty agayne, and every viteler to selle as they wolde and had done before.

Item the furst day of day of December was browte the deuke of Somersett owte of the towre by watter at v. a clocke in the mornynge, and j. or ij. drownyd by the waye in the Tems betweene the tower and Westmester; and there he (was) araynyd before the cowncell, and so pletyd for hym selfe that he was qwytt for the treson, and comytted unto the tower of London agayne.

Item the nexte day was the lorde Gray with dyvers other that ware in the tower was browte un-to Westmester un-to the starre chamber, and sent home agayne.

Item the viij. day of that monyth was a gret muster at Totehylle[3] of men of armes before the kynge, of dyvers lordes.

Item the xvj. day was a proclamacion for the new qwyne[4] that no

  1. See Machyn's Diary, p. 11, and note p. 322.
  2. Whether this fair lady's elopement is elsewhere mentioned I have not ascertained.
  3. In Tothill fields by Westminster.
  4. coin.