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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/113

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man [should speak ill o]f it, for because that the pepulle sayd dyvers that ther was the ragyd staffe[1] . . . . . . . . it.

Item the xxti day of December was sorne[2] the byshoppe of Ely[3] lorde [chancellor of Engla]nd.

Item that same day was the muster of the dewke of Somersettes servanttes before [the king at] Totylle also.

Item the same day was comytted unto the tower the byshopp [of Dur]hame Cudberte Tunstalle.[4])

Item the xxij. day of the same monyth was be[heddyd] at the Towre hyll before viij. a clocke Edwarde deuke of Somersett [earl of Hert] forde and unkyll unto the kynges grace. And also there was a commandment thorrow London that alle howsolders with their servantes shulde kepe their howses unto it was . . . . .

Item on Crystmas evyn was made a proclamacion that no man shulde make qwoyne, nore send beyond see, in payne of dethe.

Item the iiijth day of January [1551–2] the lorde of Crystmas[5] of the kynges howse came thorrow London and thorrow Scheppesyde, and soo to the lorde mayer's to denner, and dyvers of hys corte was devydyd, some to the sherffes and to dyvers alderman; and agayne after none was made a scaffolde at the crosse in Schepesyde, and thether he came and made hys proclamacion.

Item the xiij, day of January was whyppyd vij. women at the carttes arse, iiij. at one and iij. at another, for vacobondes that wold not labor, but play the unthryftes.

Item the xix. day of Februarij was a man slayne within Powlles churcheyerde.

Item the xxvj. day of the same monyth, the wyche was fryday, was hongyd at Towre hylle sir Myllys Partryge knyght, the wych played wyth kynge Henry the viiite at dysse for the grett belfery

  1. One of the many intimations of the unpopularity of the duke of Northumberland, whose badge was the ragged staff.
  2. sworn.
  3. Thomas Goodrich.
  4. —— which had long lain at his house by Colharbor in Thames street. Stowe.
  5. Probably George Ferrars: as in the following year.