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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/115

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Item the iij. day of August betwenne x. and xj. at nyght was a woman in Oxfordshere at a place callyd Midylton-stoné at the syne of the Eggylle viij. myle from Oxforde, and the good man's name was John Kenner, and she was delyveryd of a chyld with too heddes,[1] iiij. hanndes, iiij. fette, and but one body, and the mydwyffe kersende[2] them at home and was alowyd by the churche; and (they) lyffyd xv. days; and ett, and [one slept] wylle the other dyd wake, and lokyd with a mery chere whan anny persons lo[ked at] them. Item also in that same cuntry was a henne hacchyd of a chekyn that had ij. heddes and iiij. fette.

Item in the same monythe was tane at Bl[ack] wall and nere abowte London was tane dyvers dolfyns.

Item the iiij. day of September was apone a sonday, and then the qweer of Powlles had a commandment from the dene Cambryge at the byshoppe of Cantoberes visitation that he shulde leve the playnge of organs at the devyne servys, and soo lefte it.

Item the iij. day of Octobere was the byshoppe of Dorram than beyng Cudbert Tunstall browte to examination at the place that some-tyme w[as] callyd the abbé of Tourehylle, the viij. and the xiij. also that daye he was deposyd of hys see, and commytted unto warde agayne.

Item also in this monthe was tane dyvers hother fyches gret in the Temse.

Item the xxv. day of October was the pluckynge downe of alle the alteres and chappelles in alle Powlles churche, with alle the toumes, at the commandment of the byshoppe then beynge Nicolas Rydley, and alle the goodly stoneworke that stode behynde the hye alter, and the place for the prest, dekyne, and subdekyne; and wolde a pullyd downe John a Gauntes tome but there was a commandment [to] the contrary from the counsell, and soo yt was made alle playne as it aperes.

  1. Other description of this prodigy are given by Stowe, and by Machyn, p. 25; and the deaths of the double children ibid. p. 26.
  2. Christened.