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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/116

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Item this yere beganne the howse in London for the powre the w[hich] was some tyme the Gray freeres in Newgatte markette, &c.

Item on Alhallon day began the boke of the new series of bred and wyne in Powlles, with alle London, and the byshoppe[1] dyd the servis hym-selfe, and prechyd in the qwere at the mornynge servis, and dyd it in a rochet and nothynge elles on hym. And the dene[2] with alle the resydew of the prebentes went but in their surples and lefte of their abbet of the universtye; and the byshope prechyd at after-none at Powlles crosse, and stode there tyll it was nere honde v. a cloke, and the mayer nor aldermen came not with-in Powlles church nor the craffted as they were wonte to doo, for be-cause they were soo wary[3] of hys stondynge.

Item the day of thys same monyth[4] the chylderne was put in the howse that was some tyme the Grayfreres.

Item after Allhollanday was no more communyon in no place but on the sondayes.

Item this yere was nether sent Nicholas nor the Concepcion of our Lady kepte holyday, nor it (sc. yet) the Assumpcion of our Lady before, nor the Nativite of our Lady; but put downe,&c.

Item on Crystmas day at after-none alle the men chylderne wyth the women chylderne and alle the offesers that perteynyd unto the howse of the powre,[5] stode at the grett condett in Cheppe in a rowe whan the mayer came to Powlles at after-none, and soo home agayne, to be sene of the citte. Item the byshoppe prechyd alle the holydayes in the qwere at evenynge prayer.

Item the iiij. day of January [1553] came the lorde of mysrewle of the corte[6] thorrow London wyth the sheffes[7] lorde, and soo un-to the crosse in Cheppe, and there made a proclamacyon, and so un-to the mayer's to denner, and alle hys corte was devydyd un to dyvers

  1. Nicholas Ridley.
  2. William May.
  3. weary.
  4. The 23d of November.
  5. Christ's hospital.
  6. George Ferrars: see the passage in Machn's Diary, p.28, and the note thereupon, p. 328.
  7. sheriff's.