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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/117

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aldermen; and amonge alle one parte was commttyd to master Curtes the alderman, but whan they came thether there was nothynge preparyd for them, for he whole not be at home, but he was send for, but he wolde not be fownde, whenfor v. of hys servantes ware browte, eche of them had too mene ledde them, unto the mayer's and soo alle that daye, and soo at nyght unto the corte; and the nexte day they ware sent home [Item] the mayer dyd gret correccione unto powre pepulle, as rydynge in cartes [and standy] nge on the pyllere, both men and women.

And this yere the furst day at [March was the] parlament, and kepte wythin the kynges pallys at Westmyster, Whythalle.[1]

Item this yere [the town] deche from Newgate unto Aldersgat was stoppyd up with brycke, and made playne [with the er] the.

Item in the begynnyng of May was tane owte of alle the churches of London and abowte [all the] plate and qwyne[2] that was in their boxys in every church for the kynges grace; and vestmenttes and [copes], wyche drew unto a grett substans besyde the coyne, and also this yere was very fewe cherches in London that had anny procession in the Rogacion dayes in London this yere for lacke of devocion.

Item the xvij. day of May the market in Newgate market was removyd unto the new howsys and the shambylles where sent Nicolas church sometyme was, alle save only the mele-men, at the commandment of the mayer.

Item the xxv. day of May satte in Powlles the comyssioners with the lorde cheffe justes, with the lorde mayer, and soo had away alle the platte, coppys vestmenttes, wyche drewe unto a gret gooddes for the behoffe of the kynges grace.

Item the xxvj. day of May beganne the bishope of Cantorbe(ry) to sytte for the new boke that the byshope of Wenchester, Powny, made that he wolde have that alle parsons and curattes shulde sette their hondes unto it, and so every byshope in hys dyesses. And in

  1. ——" and the morrowe removed to Westminster." Machyn, p. 32.
  2. coin.