with dyvers of the grade for Jane the duke of Suffolkes dowter to be the qwene of Ynglond, (but fewe or none sayd "Good save hare,"[1]) the whyche was browte that same afternone from Richemond un-to Westmyster, and soo unto the tower of London by watter. And the nexte day in the morninge was sett forth in printe that the lady Mary with the lady Elzabeth ware bothe provyd illegittimatt and borne unlawfulle and clerely dyschargyd from the crowne and from almaner of possessions of the kynge their fader Henry the viij. And also provyd accordynge by the lawys of the churche, as thei say, and by the temporall lawys. And also by a parlament kepte at Westmyster in the xxviijti yere of their fader kynge Henry the viij. And soo by that they be dyschargyd and dyssanullyd from alle maner of inherrytans of the imperialle crowne of the hole realme of Ynglond, and to have none maner of possessyons of the same. And they say also that the kynge Edward the vj. made a wylle and a testament at hys last dayes, and gave the inherytans of the crowne unto the duches of Suffolke lady Kateryne, the whiche was dowter un-to lady Mary that was the Frenche qwene and one of the dowters of kynge Henry the vij. and yf she had anny male issew or the sayd kynge Edward the vj. dyde, then the imperiall crowne shulde goo unto here issew, and if not un-to here dowter lady Jane the wych was maryd unto the iij. sone of the duke of Northhumberland Gylford Dudley. And from hare for lacke of issew unto hare cosyne Margaret late the dowter of lady Elnor wyffe unto [the earl of Cumber]lond one of the kynges blode, the whyche was one of the French qwens dowters [and to the heirs] of hare body lawfully begottyne.
. . . . . . . . . . a young man that was drauer at sent Jones at Ludgate . . . . . . . both hys erres cut of cruelly, and sent unto warde agayne . . . . . . . and had a rewarde of the chamber;[2] and within iij. dayes after hys
- ↑ These words are a subsequent insertion above the line.
- ↑ This paragraph (which is very imperfect from being written in the upper margin of the manuscript, where it is partly burnt and cut away,) relates to the story of Gilbert Potter, of which the particulars have been collected in the Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary, pp. 115—121. The present passage states, that on the change of affairs he received an immediate "reward of the chamber" of the city, and it has been shown in the former chronicle that he had afterwards a more ample recompence from the crown.