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master [went to the Tower, where he was] gunner, and was drownyd by the way and ij. men with hym.

Item the xij. of the same monyth of July was [procl]amacyon made to take up men, and to come to Totylle, and to have xd. a day, and na[mely to] feche in lady Mary; and that same day wente furth to feche here in the duke of Northumberland, and more was se . . . . . but he lay a iiij. or v. dayes besyde Ware, and then went forwarde to Chambri[dge, and] thowte to worke masteres,[1] as it aperes after.

Maria Regina

Item the xix. day of the same monyth, [which] was sent Margarettes evyne, at iiij. of clocke at after-none was proclamyd lady Ma[ry to] be qwene of Ynglond at the crose in Cheppe with the erle of Shrewsbery, the earle [of Arundel], the erle of Pembroke, with the mayer of London, and dyvers other lordes, and many of the ald[dermen] and the kynges schrffe master Garrand, with dyvers haroldes and trompettes. And from thens cam to Powlles alle, and there the qwere sange Te Deum with the organs goynge, with the belles ryngynge, the most parte alle [London], and that same nyght had the [most] parte of London Te Deum, with bone-fyers in every strete in London, with good chere at every bone [fyer], the belles ryngynge in every parych cherch, and for the most parte alle nyght tyll the nexte daye to none.[2]

Item the xxij. day of the same monyth was tane the duke of Northhumberland at Cambryche by the mayer, and proclamyd a traytor, and soo kepte in a prysone tyll they harde from hare grace and hare cownselle. And on saynt James day at after-none at iiij. of cloke at after-none was browte unto London worshyppfully as he had deservyd, and browte in at Byshoppes gatte by the earle of Arndelle,

  1. masteries.
  2. noon.