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the wyche browte hym unto the tower of London. And Whan he came in at Byshoppes gate he was commandyd to put of hys atte, and soo dyd tylle he came to the tower; and after he came onsse to Shordych alle the pepulle revyled hym and callyd hym traytor and herytycke, and woulde not seyse for alle the(y) ware spokyn unto for it. Wyth hys sones, as the erle of Warwyke, Ambrose Dudley, Henry Dudley, Androw Dudley,[1] the erle of Huntyngtone, lorde Hastynges, sir John Gattes that was captayne of the garde, and sir Henry Gattes hys brother, sir Thomas Palmer, doctor Saunder. Item here went the byshoppe of London[2] that was goynge un-to the qwene to begge hys pardon, but he was tane at Ipsege, and there was put in warde.

Item the xxij. day of the same monyth began the wache at every gatte in London in harnes, viij. be syde the viij. comeners.

Item xxvj. day of the same monyth was browte to the tower of London at ij. a clocke at after-none doctor Redley that was the byshope of London, lorde markes of Northhantone, Roberte Dudley that was the dukes brother,[3] master Corbet that was shreffe of Essex, and after them that same nyght was browte in sir John Chamle[4] cheffe justes of the kynges bench, sir Edwarde Montageu cheffe justys of the comyn place; and the next day came in sir John Jorke[5] and Sir Thomas Wrathe,[6] with dyvers other, as it shalle apere afterwarde.

Item the iij. of August came in the qwenes grace[7] after vij. a clock at nyght from Newhalle with the lady Elzabeth hare syster, and a grette company of ladys wyth hare; and she goodly imparelde with alle the resydew of hare ladys, and so to Whytte-chappell; and there the mayer with the aldermen reseved hare, and he delyveryd hare the swerde, and she toke it to the erle of Arnedelle, and he bare it before hare, and the mayer the masse.[8] And whan she came at

  1. Sir Andrew Dudley, K. G. was his brother.
  2. Nicholas Ridley.
  3. Lord Robert Dudley, afterwards earl of Leicester, was the duke's second son.
  4. Cholmley.
  5. Yorke.
  6. Wroth.
  7. Compare with Machyn, p. 38.
  8. mace.