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day with a comynyone and that powely,[1] and the byshoppe of Chechester[2] prechyd a good sermon.

Item the xiij. day of August prechyd master Borne[3] at Powlles crosse at the commandment of the quenes grace, and there was pullyd owte of the pulpyt by vacabonddes, and one threw hys dagger at hym.

Item the xviij. day of August was the duke of Northumberlond[4] was browte by watter un-to Westmyster with the markes of Northhamtone and the yerle of Warwyke hys sone, and there was condemnyd by them-selffes and had no qwest went apone them but them selfe, and submyttyd them selfe un-to the qwenes grace and here lawys; and the nexte day both the Gattes and Andrew Dudly the duke's brother and Palmer in lyke wyse condemnyd.

Item the xxti day of August prechyd at Powlles crosse master Watsone,[5] and there was dyvers of the quenes cownselle, and the captayne of the garde with a CC. and more of the garde browte hym to the pulpytte, and stode there alle the sermone tyme with there halberttes.

Item the xxijti day of the same monyth sufferd at Tower-hyll the duke of Northhumberlond, sir John Gattes captayne of the garde before, and sir Thomas Palmer, alle three beheddyd; and the day before harde masse in the tower and reseved the sacrament in forme of brede.

Item the xxix. day of August satte the qwenes commissioneres for the new byshoppes, that was put in for them that was put owte and in to prisone at the commandment of the byshoppe of Cauntorbery as is above sayd, and as it shalle follow.

  1. Poorly. A note referring to the accounts preserved of this ceremonial will be found appended to Machyn's Diary, p. 331.
  2. John Scory.
  3. Gilbert Bourne, soon after bishop of Bath and Wells: see the present incident also in Machyn, p. 41, and the note from the chronicles and privy council register, ibid. p. 332.
  4. See the Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary, pp. 16, 121.
  5. Thomas Watson, soon after bishop of Lincoln: of this sermon see also Machyn's Diary, p. 41, and William Dalby's letter, ibid. p. 332.