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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/124

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Item in August was the aulter in Powlles set up agayne, and fenysys[1] in September.

Item the xiij. day of September was the byshoppe of Cauntorbery comyttyd unto the tower from the sterrechamber, Thomas Creme[2] by hys name; and the xv. day was comytted also unto the tower the byshopp of Bath [William] Barlowe by name.

Item the same tyme was alle the new byshoppes dyschargyd and put downe.

Item the xvij. day of September the byshoppe of London, Boner, sange masse in Powlles, and gave holy watter hym-selfe, and soe continuyd.

Item the laste day of September was the qwenes grace browth from the tower of London unto the Whyth-hall goodly, and many pagenttes in dyvers places as she came by the wey in London, with alle the crafttes and aldermen, and also a pagent in Powlles churcheyerde at the est ende of the church, and there she stode longe, for yt was made of rosemary with alle here armes and a crowne in the myddes. item also there was a man made too tope-castelles above the crosse of the stepulle, and there stode with a flagge in hys honde and viij. flagges hangynge besyde; and a castelle made in the myddes of the hye waye at the denes place. And the furst day of October she was crowned at Westmyster by the byshoppe of Wynchester Stephyn Gardner, and she was browth from Westmyster halle with iij. crosses with a gret qweer and many byshoppes with their myteres on their heddes and crose-stavys in ther honddes, as many as had none other lette, and they had other that bare them before nor to mynyster in hare presence, that in soomoch she had alle that was in Powlles save only them that ware maryd, that in somoch that the day was no servys in Powlles, nother mattens nor masse nor evynsonge [nor] sermone at the crosse as that day.

Item the vth of the same monyth beganne the parlament; and

  1. finished.
  2. Cranmer.