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bassotors in the name of the hole howse of Bowrgone, as dyvers erles, as the erle of degmonde[1] with dyvers other.

Item the xiiij. day of Januarij began the procession on the sondayes abowte the church[2] with the mayer and the aldermen in their clokes, and the precher takynge hys benediccion in the body of the church of the bysshoppe.

Item the xv. day of the same monyth began the insurreccion at Maydstone by sir Thomas Wyett knyght, lorde Cobhame,[3] Harper, and Colpeper, with dyvers others.

Item the xvj. day of the same monyth in the mornynage began the wache at every gatte in London in harnes, both men and their servantts, etc.

Item the furst day of Februarij the qwenes grace came (in) hare owne person un-to the yelde-halle of Londone, and showyd here mynde[4] un-to the mayer, aldermen, and the hole crafttes of London (in) are owne persone, with hare cepter in hare honde in tokyn of love and pes, and wente home agayne by watter at the Crane in the ventre.

Item the xxiij. of januarij was condemnyd at the yelde-halle of London lorde Robert Dudley.

Item the xxxti day of the same monyth the duke of Norfoke came to Strode, and bent hys artyllery agaynst Wyett; but the Londoneres with their captayns, as Brian, Fyztwilliams, and Bret, whoo came with the duke agaynst Wyet, made a shoute and fled from the duke to Wyet, that the duke hardly scapyd from them.

Item the furst day Februarij came Wyett with hys host in to Southwarke at iiij. a clocke at after-none, and or it was v. he had made a bulwarke at the bryge fotte, and kepte Sothwarke tyll it was

  1. Egmont. see the note to Machyn's Diary, p. 337. See also the Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary, p. 34.
  2. St. Paul's.
  3. Lord Cobham was at first suspected of taking part in Wyatt's rebellion: see the Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary, p. 36.
  4. Her address to the citizens is given by Foxe.