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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/125

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whan they ware in the parlament howse the byshoppe of Lyngcolle doctor [John Taylor[1]] beynge byshoppe of Lyngcolne hys parlament robe was tane from hym and he was comy[tted] to the tower; and iij. dayes in the weke the qwene satte in the parlament howse and harde alle soche thinges as was there done.

Item the vij. day of October beganne the convocacion in Powlles, aud there had [mass of] the Holy Gost. And there the byshoppe of London sange the mass in hys pontyficalibus, and that [was the] furst masse that was songe at the hye alter after that it was sett up agayne, and had a good[ly] sermon ad clerum in the qwere.

Item the xxj. day of that same monythe baganne the dyspu[tacion] in the longe chappell in Powlles betwene the new sortte and the olde, as monday, wedyns[day, and] fryday, and there came moche pepulle; but they ware never the wyser, and with many worddes of . . . ., that the qwenes graces cowncell was fayen to send worde that there shulde be no more dy[spu] tacions, but that it shulde be dyscussyd by the hole parlament. And as at that tyme the wet[hercock] of Powlles stepulle was tane downe, and new made and gyltyd, and sett up agayne the iiij. day of November.

Thys yere the xiij. day of November the byshoppe of Cantorbery Thomas Creme[2] and lady Jane that wolde a bene qwene, and iij. of the Dudleyes[3] condemnyd at the yelde-halle for hye tresone.

Item this yere the qwere of Powlles went abowte the stepulle on sent Kateryns day at nyght.[4]

Item on sent Andrewys day begane the generalle procession in Latten in powlles churche,[5] with the parsons and curattes of London, with the prebenttes in their gray ammes, and the mayer with dyvers of the alderman; and the same wyse iij. dayes followynge.

Item the vj. day of Januarij [1554] came from the emperor im-

  1. He and John Harley bishop of Hereford had withdrawn from the solemnization of the queen's coronation at the commencement of the mass. He died soon after at Ankerwick. (Foxe).
  2. Cranmer.
  3. Lord Ambrose, lord Harry, and Guilford. See Chron. of Q. Jane, &c. p. 32.
  4. See Machyn, p. 49.
  5. Vide ibid.