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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/128

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very anggre wyth hym because he sayd soo, but at hys worddes the gattes ware shutte.

Item the viij. day of Februarij the ducke of Suffolke wyth hys brother was browte thorrow Londone wyth a goodly company of spere-men, and soo unto the tower of London.

Item the xij. of Februarij was beheddyd wythin the tower lady Jane that wolde a bene qwene; and hare husband whose name was Gylford Dudley at the Tower-hyll.

Item the xiiij. day of the same monyth for the same rebellyon was hongyd one Vicars a yeman of the garde, Bouthe one of the quenes fotmen, gret John Nortone, and one Kynge; and in severalle places abowte London at the gattes, in Chappe syde, and other strettes, to the number of xxti, the wych ware of London that fled from the duke of Norfoke; and that same day was iij. hongyd in chanys on Hay hylle for the offence in rebellyon.

Item the duke of Suffolke was condemnyd at Westmyster the xvij. day of Februarij; and beheddyd at Towre-hyll the xxiij. day of the same monyth.

Item the xv. day of March was commytted un-to the tower agayne the erle of Devenchere.

And the xviij. day of the same monyth was commytted also unto the tower lady Elzabeth that was the quenes syster, and that was Palme sonday.

Item the epestylle masse begane agayne[1] the ij. day of Aprille.

Item the viij. day of Aprille was a kette hongyd on the gallos[2] in Cheppe clothed lyke a preste, and the same day hylde up before the precher at Polles crosse.

And shortly after the qwenes grace gave a generall pardon for alle thoye that ware with Wyet, and som(mon)ed a parlament to be helde at Oxforde, but it was sone rejurnid unto London agayne unto Westmyster.

  1. In St. Paul's cathedral.
  2. This is also noticed by Foxe, Stowe, and Machyn: see Machyn's Diary, pp.338.