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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/129

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Item the xj. day of the same monyth was Wyett behedyd at Towre hylle, and also qwarterd; and hys hedde with one of hys qwarters sett apon the gallowys, and the hed with the qwarter was stolne awaye.

Item the ix. day of Aprille began the opposycions at Oxford by Thomas Creme[1] sometyme byshoppe of Cantorbery, Nicolas Rydley sometyme byshoppe of London, and Hugh Latemer, agayne the lerdemen[2] of both the universytes; and there the sayd iij. persons was condempnyd as erytykes, and soo remaynyd there in presone a longe tyme.

Item the xxvij. of Aprille was beheddyd at Towre hylle the duke of Suffolkes brother.[3]

Item the xiiij.day of May was the monday in Wytsone weke and thene the mayer, aldermen, goldsmythes and fyshemongeres[4] came a procession un-to Powlles as they were wonte to doo, but there was no sensynge; and dyvers other pariches came alle the iij. dayes as they ware wonte.

Item the xviij. day of May was draune from the tower of London Thomas a Vane[5] unto Tyborne, and there put to execucion.

Item the xxiiij. day of May was Corpus Christi day that some kepte in Colmanstrett, hys name was John Strett, he was in Smythfelde whan the procession of sent the prest,[6] but he was resysted and tane and put in Newgatte, and then he faynyd him-selfe madde.

  1. Cranmer.
  2. learned men.
  3. lord Thomas Grey: See Machyn, p. 61, and Queen Jane and Queen Mary, p. 75.
  4. This was in revival of an ancient custom by which the companies of the Goldsmiths and Fishmongers were associated on certain festivals. See a paper by the Editor of the present volume in the Archæologia, vol. XXX. " On an amity formed between the Compaines of Fishmongers and Goldsmiths of London, and a consequent participation of their Coat Armour."
  5. This is a mistake: the sufferer on that day was William Thomas, late clerk of the council: see Machyn, p. 63, and the Chron. of Queen Jane and Queen Mary, p. 76.
  6. See also Machyn, p. 64; and Foxe.