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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/49

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the names the erle of Darby duke of Hereforde, the erle of Rotlonde duke of Aumarlde, erle of Kent duke of Surrey, erle of Huntyngtone duke of Excetor, erle Marchalle duke of Norfoke, and the countes of Norfolke duches of Norfolke, earle of Somerset markes Dorcet, lorde Spencer erle of Gloceter, lorde Nevelle erle of Westmerlond, Thomas Perce erle of Welchere,[1] William Scroppe erle of Westchester.[2] And that same tyme dyde the lorde Mombray, and is byryd at the Whyt Fryers.

xxijo. Ao. Thys yere dyde the duke of Lankester. And sir William Bagot was arestyd in Irelond and browte to London to Newgate. And duke Henry of Langkester entered into Inglond in Yorkechere at Ravyns-spurre be-syde Welyngtone.[3] And sir William Scroppe, sir Henry Grene, and sir John Busshe beheddyd at Brystow. And thys yere the kynge was deposyd by the comyns of his pepulle, and for hyme came Henry the iiijth, that was erle of Darby.


Pi.o. Ao. Thys yere Ewene Glendore sqwere of Wallys made warre ayenst the kynge. The furst yere of his rayne was beheddyd at Cerceter[4] the erle of Saulsbery [and] the erle of Kente, and at Oxenforde sir Thomas Blont, sir Benet Ely,[5] knyghttes, Thomas Wynter[6] sqwere, and sir John Holond erle of Huntyngton was be-heddyd at Plasshe in Essex, and their heddes sett on London brygge, and sir Barnarde Brokkas knyght was be-heddyd at London in Cheppesyde, and sir Thomas Shellé knyght, Maudlyne and Feryby clarkes, ware hangyd at Tyborne. This same yere the kynge rode towerd Scotlond.

ijo. Ao. Thys yere the qwene Isabelle that was wyffe to kynge

  1. This should be Worcester.
  2. And this Wiltshire.
  3. An error apparently for Bridlington.
  4. Cirencester.
  5. Sely in other chronicles.
  6. Wintereell or Wintershall.