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Newton sheriffs.] And this yere was the citte of London raunsomed at a C. Ml. Marke.

xvjo. Ao. In thys yere was the terme removyd from Westmyster unto Yorke from the fest of sent John Baptyst un to Crystmas.

xvijo. Ao. Thys yere qwene Anne dessecyd, and is burryd at Westmyster.

xviijo. Ao. Thys yere the Iryche men in August were commandyd home by the kynges commandment.

xxo. Ao. Thys yere dyde Mare the countes of Derby. And in June dysscessid the mayer, and for hym was schosyne Richard Wyttyngton and occupied un tyll sent Edwardes daye. And this yere qwene Isabell the kynges dowter of France was weddyd un to kynge Richard at Callys. And thys yere dyde sir Thomas Woodstoke duke of Glosceter at Callys.[1] And the erle of Arundelle was be heddyd at towre hylle. And thys yere Henry erle of Derby enterd in to Yenglond at Ravynspore in Yorkeshere. And this yere dyde John duke of Langkester [on] sent Blace day, and lythe burryd at Powlles. And this yere was Busshe, Bagot, Scroppe, Grene, with others, ware be heddyd at Brystowe. And thys yere was the grete parlame[nt.]

xxjo. Ao. Thys yere was restyd the duke of Glosceter and sent to Callys to prisone. And the morrowe after holy-rode daye the kynge made a gret justynge be syde Kyngstone uppon Temes.

In September was the erle of Arnedelle jugyd to deth, and sir Thomas Mortemer the same, but if he came in within iij. monythes; and the erle of Warwyke was juggyd to the same jugment as the erle of Arnedelle had, but he submyttyde hym selfe, and the kynge gave hym hys lyffe, and send hym un to the tower agayne; and then the parlament was removyd un to Shrowesbery; and that daye was made five dukes and markes and four erles;

  1. In this and the following events crowded into this year there is nothing but error. They belong to the two following years, in which they are entered again. And Bagot was not beheaded at all: on this misapprehension, which is common to many chroniclers, see some remarks in the Gentleman's Magazine for March, 1849.