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cardnalle of the Holy Crosse, and asoyllyd the duke of Burgone for the othe that he made un to the kynge of Ynglonde unwyttynge unto the pope, for he had layd sege un to Callys and he faylyd of hys purpose.

xiiijo. Ao. Thys yere the towne of Depe was tane by the Armenobis[1] on Halhalon evyn. And the towne of Harflete lost for defaute of good kepynge. And the duke of Burgane a fore sayd layed sege un to Callys the xxix. day of Jule.

xvo. Ao. Thys yere sanke a parte of London brygge with two arches. And quene Jane[2] dyde.

xvjo. Ao. Thys yere brake owte of the kynges jayle of Newgatte Owyn by the helpe of hys prest, and wondyd hys keper, who had prevyly weddyd qwene Katerne.[3] And also this yere felle downe another parte of London brygge.

xvijo. Ao. Thys yere the erle of Warwyke dyde at Roane, the last day of Aprill. And this yere the comyn strompettes that ware takene in London ware raye hoddes. And this yere a bushylle of whette was at forty pence.

xviijo. Ao. Thys yere the cardnalle of Wenchester with other lordes came homeward frome Callys to London, that had bene in France to make a pes. And this yere ware dyvers men of Kent drawe and hongyd for tresone agayne the kynge and the church.

And sir John erle of Huntyngtone came thys yere from Guyen in to Ynglond. And this yere the duke of Yorke was made regent of France. And sir Richard Wyche and hys clarke ware burnyd. And this yere was a grete debate arose betwene Fletstrete and the howsys of corte.

xixo. Ao. Thys yere was put to deth master Roger Bolyngbroke.[4] And a stryffe in the yelde halle for chesynge of the mayer, by the crafte of the taylors.

  1. Armeniacs, the forces of the comte of Armagnac.
  2. Read Katharine.
  3. See the very curious passage on this incident in Chron. of London (Nicolas).
  4. "A man expert in nygromancy" (Fabyan), and one of the councillors of Alianor Cobham, duchess of Gloucester, as mentioned in the next year.