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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/59

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of floode the monday in Ester weke came and incresid on the londe unto Populer, and drownyd many howsys and feldes and medowes, and moche of the parich of Stepney, and at Raynham and other places in Essex.

xxvijo. Ao. Thys yere was another dere yere, and ane erthqwake.

xxviijo. Ao. Thys yere Normandy was lost. And this yere came Jake Cade of Kent, and made hym selfe a captayne with a gret multytude of pepulle unto Blackehethe, and there abode seven dayes contynually unto that the kynge with his lordes that lay that tyme at sent Johns in Smythfelde and in divers placis came rydynge thurgh London toward Grenewich; and thene Jake Cade fledde and removyd fro thens toward Tunbrych, Maydstone, and Senoke. And there hys men beheddyd a sqwere callyd Stanlaw. And in that contre there was sir Humfry Stafford knyght and William Stafford sqwere, with certayne men of armes, slayne. And in that mene tyme came a captayne of Essex with hys men and enterd in to the felde, and that same tyme was Horne the alderman arestyd. And the satterday the iijde day of July the captayne rode thorrow London to Powlles and to Newgate, and soo forthe to Myle ende. And there was be-heddyd one Cromer of Kent and one Baylly of Colchester, and at the standerd in Cheppe was sir Roger Fench be-heddyd, and at the Whyt harte in Southwarke one Hawaydyne of sent Martyns was be-heddyd; and Malpas of London drewe the cheynne of London brygge, and there was a gret battelle made by nyght agaynst the towne, and many men slayne and drownyd. And sarteyn aldermen of London was there slayne, and the prisoneres of the kynges bench and marchelsay delyveryd owte by Jake Cades commandement. And afterward he was slaine in Kent.

xxixo. Ao. Thys yere was Gwyene lost, and the erle of Shrowysbery slayne at Burdos.

xxxo. Ao. Thys yere the duke of Yorke sette hys felde at Brent hethe in Kent.

xxxjo. Ao. Thys yere the lorddes servanttes made a fray at the wrestlynge place.