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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/69

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tylle after candelmas. And then it was agreed betwene the kynge and the duke of Burgone that Edmond de la Poole shulde be send home agayne, and so he was.

xxijo. Ao. This yere was chosyn [sheriff] by the citte one Jonson a goldesmythe, and he made hys fest; but within iij. dayes he was dyschargyd at the commandment of the kynge, and William Fitzwilliam chosyn, and so kepte owte alle the hole yere, and the other toke soche a thowthe that he dyde. Item the bakeres howse in Warwyke lane burnyd. And twelve herynges a jd. And a gally burnyd at Hamton.

xxiijo. Ao. Thys yere was many aldermen put in to the tower, and sir William Capell put to warde in the shreffes howse. And this yere the mayer was reseved with procession on sent Frances daye with the aldermen as founders,[1] and soo contynewyd long after.

And the lady Mary the kynges dowter made sewre to the kynge of Castelle.

xxiiijo. Ao. Thys yere the xxijo. day of Aprill dyde kynge Henry the vijth at Richemonde, and browth to London over the brygge and soo to Powlles the furst nyght, and the nexte day to Westmyster nobylly and there buryd.

Henricus Octavus Rex.

And the mydsomer day followynge was his sonne crownyd Henry the viijth at Westmyster, and hys qwene Kateryne that was hys brothers wyffe prince Artore. Thys yere was Emsone and Dodle be-heddyd at Towre hyll. And four persons sett on the pyllory for falls qwestmongeres.

iiijo. Ao. Thys yere the kynge went in to France, and the carreke and the Regent byrnte. And this yere was the Scottych felde, and the kynge tane and slayne, and browte to Shene.

vjo. Ao. Thys yere was a gret deth at the Menerys, that there dyde xxvij. of the nonnes.

  1. At Grey Friars.