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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/70

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viijo. Ao. Thys yere was yell May day, that yong men and prentes of London rose in the nyght, and wolde have had James Mottas ane owte-landych mane and wolde have slayne hym, but he hyde hym in hys gotters in hys howse; and from thense they wente un to sent Martyns, and there spoyled the shomakers shoppes of shone; and thane rose the mayer and shreffes and wolde have cessyd them, but they cowde not. And then rose the erle of Surre, and he wolde have spoyled them. And iiij. or v. dayes after the corte kepte the citte in harnes with divers lordes, and at the last there ware dyvers of them hongyd within the citte on gallos, as at sent Martyns gatte at Ludgate, at Algate, Bysshoppes gate, Doggate, sent Manguns, Ledynhall, in the Powltre, and at the stondert in Cheppe; and there was hongyd and qwarterd one Lyncon; and another gallows at Newgate. And within shorte space the kynge satte in Westmyster halle, and there was commandyd the citte to come in their clothynge, and the rest of them that was pardent to come with halters abowte their neckes and to aske pardone, and soo a generall pardone was gevyne unto theme alle that came that tyme.

xijo. Ao. Thys yere was the duke of Buckynghame be-heddyd at the towre hylle, and burryd at the Austynfreeres. And the owyns[1] made at the bryge howse.

xiijo. Ao. Thys yere the emperor Charles came in to Ynglond and soo to London, and there was honorabullie resevyd with many pagenttes, as on the brygge, in Graschestret, Ledynhalle, the condet in Cornell, at Stockes, at the gret condet in Chepe, at the standerd, the crosse new gylte, at the lyttell condet, and Powlles church dore; and soe to Bryddewell, wych was new made and gylte agenst hys comynge.

And this yere was a man soddyne in a cautherne[2] in Smythfelde, and lett up and downe dyvers tymes tyll he was dede, for because he wold a poyssynd dyvers persons.

xiiij°. A°. Thys yere the kynge of Denmarke and hys qwene was drevyn oute of their londe for cruelnes that he dyd unto hys

  1. ovens.
  2. Boiled in a caldron.