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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/77

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And this yere dyde the Frenche qwene, wyffe un to the duke of Suffoke, Mary that was dowter to Henry the vij.

xxvo. Ao. Thys yere the xxiij. day of November [1533] prechyd at Powlles crosse the byshoppe of Bangure electe doctor Capun,[1] and there stode before hym on a skaffolde doctor Bockynge and another monke[2] of the same howse of Crystes church of Cantorbery, the parsone[3] of Aldermary gelde, and ij. Observanttes of Cantorbery,[4] and the holy mayde of Kent;[5] and from thens they went unto the tower of London agayne, and moche pepull both at the crosse and thorrow alle the streetes of London, unto the tower. From thens they went to Cauntorbery, and there dyd pennans also.

And this yere was hongyd at the Wyllow by the Temse syde Woolfe and hys wyffe, for kyllynge of two Lumberttes[6] in a bote on the Temse.

And this yere was the byshoppe of Rome('s) powre pu[t down, and] a pes concludyd with Scotlond that lastyd but a wy[le.]

Thys yere was the mayde of Kent with the monkes, freeres, and the parsone of Aldermary, draune to Tyborne, and there hongyd and heddyd the v. day of May [1534], and the monkes burryt at the Blacke freeres, the Observanttes, with the holy mayde at the Gray freeres; and the parsone at hys church Aldermary.

xxvjo. Ao. And this yere the xxti. day of November the lorde amrelle of France[7] came into Ynglond, and was reseved into London with gret solempnyte of the mayer, aldermen, and crafftes of the same, in Chepesyde.

Also the same yere the iij. day of May [1535] was Holy-rode day, and then was draune from the tower unto Tyborne the iij. priors of

  1. John Salcot, alias Capon, late abbot of Hyde by Winchester.
  2. Edward Bocking and Richard Dering.
  3. Henry Gold, M.A. Rector of St. Mary Aldermary, Dec. 10, 1526, and Vicar of Hayes, Middlesex, Dec. 23, 1529.
  4. Hugh Rich, warden of the friars Observants, and Richard Risby.
  5. Elizabeth Barton.
  6. "Twoo marchauntes straungers." Fabyan.
  7. Philip de Chabot comte de Neublanche, K.G.; see Chron. of Calais, p. 45.