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the Charterhowses,[1] and there hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd; and one of the qwarters of the prior's harmes was sett up at the gatte in to Aldersgate stret. And within short whylle after iiij. monkes moo of the sayd howse, as Exmew, Nitygate, with ij. others, [2] ware drawne from the tower to Tyborne, and there hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd, and their qwarteres sett upp.

Also this yere the xxij. day of July was the byshoppe of Rochester John Fycher beheddyd at Towre hyll, and burryd in the churchyerd of Barkyne by the northe dore. And the xxvj. same month was beheddyd at Towre hyll sir Thomas More some tyme chaunsler of Ynglond, and then was tane up the byshoppe agayne and both of them burryd within the tower.

And that same yere beganne the new testament in Englych.

And this yere dyde the erle of Kyldare in the tower.

And this yere was grantyd unto the kynge the tenthes and furst fruttes both spirituall and temporall.

xxvijo. Ao. Thys yere the furst day of Maye [1536] was tane and arestyd of tresone the qwene Anne, lorde Rochford hare brother, master Norres, master West, master Breertone, and one Markes, at Grenewyche, and browte unto the tower. And the xiij. daye after they went unto Westmyster to have their jugment, alle save only the qwene and lorde Rocheford, for they had their jugment within the tower the xv. day of May with the lordes of the realme; and the xvj. of their qwest with the lorde mayer, aldermen, and viij. of every hede craft of London. And the xvij. day of May lorde Rocheforde with alle the rest was beheddyd[3] at Towre hyll, and their heddes sett up one London brygge, and their bodys burryd within the tower. And the xix. day of the same was the qwene Anne[4] beheddyd within the tower, and there burryd.

And in September after was a rysynge in Lyngcolshere of the comons for taske and talenge of ane abbé there, by the menys of

  1. London, Beauvale, and Hexham.
  2. Holinshed names only three, Exmew, Middlemore, and Nudigate.
  3. See the Chronicle of Calais, p. 46.
  4. Vide ibid. p. 47.