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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/79

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lorde Darcy, lorde Husey, sir Robert Constabull, and Roberte Aske. And the vij. day of October the duke of Norffoke and the duke of Suffoke went thether and pacified them; and then beganne Yorkechere to ryse, and they pacifyed them the xxix. day of October. And the kynges grace sent a letter to the mayer and citte of London and gave them thanckes for the paynnes and costtes of sendynge of two hundred and fyfty men the xxxj. day of October.

xxviijo. Ao. Thys yere one Robert Pakengtone, mercer, was slayne with a gone the xvij. day of November in a mornyng by the gret condet in Chepe, and then was made a proclemacione by the mayer if anny man canne tell tydynges how he myght be knowyne he shuld have a gret rewarde for hys labor.[1]

Also the iijde day of February [1537] the lorde Garrad with hys five unkelles of Ireland—these ware their names, Thomas lorde Fytzgarrard, sir James Fytzgarrard, sir John Fytzgarrard, sir Richard Fytzgarrard lord of sent Ines in Ireland,[2] sir Oliver[3] Fytzgarrard, and sir Watter Fytzgarrard—ware draune from the tower un to Tyborne, and there alle hongyd and heddyd and qwarterd, save the lorde Thomas, for he was but hongyd and heddyd and hys boddy buryd at the Crost Freeres in the qwere, and the qwarteres with their heddes set up abowte the citte.

Also this yere beganne the Corte of Augementacion in Westmyster above by sent Stephens, the wych was now made for the Augmentacion corte, wher as mr. Rich[4] was made chaunceler.

Also the xix. day of Februarij was hongyd at Tyborne x. women and iij. men.

Also this yere in the begynnynge of Lent it was proclamyd and decreed[5] by the kynge and hys concell, that the pepulle shulde ette whytte mettes, and soo dyvers dyde.

  1. The murderer was discovered some years after: see Stowe's Chronicle.
  2. In the genealogy of the FitzGeralds, in Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, by Archdall, 1779, i. 88, sir James FitzGerald of Leixlip, and sir John, are both described as knights of Rhodes, of the order of St. John of Jerusalem; but their brother Richard is not so styled.
  3. Holdner in MS.
  4. Richard Rich, afterwards lord high chancellor.
  5. degrees in MS.