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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/89

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pyllere in Chepe for makynge of false letters in the weste contre un to a blynde woman.

And this yere was no wache at Mydsomer for be cause of the warres bothe in France and also in Scotlonde.

And this yere was the church of the Whytfreeres pullyd downe, and the stepulle of the Blacke freeres, and yt was stoppyd up [with lede agayne, and the waye[1]] goynge un to Baynysche castell from the sayd freeres.

And this yere was the Mary Rose lost beside Porchmew, with dyvers captayns, as sir George Carrow with many dyvers other.[2]

Also the 22. day of June was a grete moster of the cytte of London, and that same day in the mornynge was dyvers howsys a fyer at Algate.

Also the xix. day of the same monythe before beganne at ix. of the cloke at nyght a gret rayene with thonder and lyghtnynge, and contenewyd un to the next day at x. of the cloke.

Item the xij. day of September at iiij. of cloke in the mornynge was sent Gylles church at Creppyll gatte burnyd, alle hole save the walles, stepull, belles and alle, and how it came God knoweth.[3]

Item thys same yere in the same monyth was the Charterhowse pulde downe, and the watter turned to dyvers places ther to gentylmens placys.[4]

Item the 23. daye of the same monyth was a gret generalle processione of alle parsons, vekeres, curattes, with alle other prestes in every church, clarkes alle in copys and a crosse of every churche,

  1. A second hand has inserted these words.
  2. Of this accident the fullest account is that in the memoirs of sir Peter Carew in the Archæologia, vol. xxviii. p. 111. Several guns were recovered from the wreck so recently as the year 1839, (vide ibid. p. 386,) and are now preserved at Woolwich.
  3. This church escaped the great fire of 1666, and now containts many interesting memorials of the previous century.
  4. This refers to the conduit at the Charter-house, the water of which was derived from the White Conduit fields. A very curious ancient plan of the pipes is still preserved at the Charter-house, a fac-simile of which by Vertue is in the portfolio of the Society of Antiquaries, and a reduced engraving has been published in The Carthusian, 1839, p. 498.