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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/90

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and soo went up un to Ledyne halle one the onsyde, with alle Powles in their copys and the byshoppe in his myttor, with alle the crafftes in theire best lyverys, and soo downe one the other syde, and soo to Powlles agayne. And that same day stode one on the pyllery at the stonderd in Cheppe for mysse-usyng of the kynges comyssion. And the occasion of the procession was (unfinished).

xxxvijo. Ao. Thys yere the xxvj. day of Februarij was browth from the towre of London thorrow the cytte in to Smythfelde, with the shreffes and offesars, and there browth unto the stake wher as was fyer, for clyppynge of golde, and there had hare pardone, and soo was hadde unto the tower agayne thorrow sent Bartelmewys spyttylle.[1]

Item the xiij. day of June after was Wytsonsonday, and then was a generalle processione from Powlles un to sent Peters in Cornehylle with alle the chelderne of Powlles scole, and a crosse of every parishe churche, with a banner and one to ber it in a tenache, alle the clarkes, alle the presttes, with parsons and vekeres of every church in coppys, and the qwere of Powlles in the same maner, and the byshoppe bereynge the sacrament under a canapy with the mayr in a gowne of cremsone velvet, the aldermen in scarlet, with alle the crafttes in their best aparelle; and whan the mayer came betwene the crosse and the standert there was made a proclamacyon with dyvers harhoddes of armes and pursevanttes in their cote armeres, with the trompettes, and ther was proclamyd a unyversalle pes for ever betwene the emperar, the kynge of Ynglonde, the French kynge, and alle crystyne kynges for ever.

Item the xj. day of Aprille before was Passion sonday, and then preched doctor Crome [2] in hys pariche church, at the wyche sermond he preched agayne the sacrament of the auter; and that same tyme he was send for unto the corte, and there was exammynd; and the v. sarmondes at Ester spake alle agayne the sayd oppynyons, but namyd not hym. And the sonday after the Low sonday, the wyche

  1. The chronicler does not give the woman's name.
  2. Edward Crome, S.T.P. rector of Saint Mary Aldermary.