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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/93

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Item the 13. day of Januarij was the yerle of Sorrey browte from the tower of London un to the yelde-halle of London, and there he was from ix. unto yt was v. at nyght, and there had hys juggement to be heddyd; and soo the xix. day of the some month it was done at the Towre hylle.

Item the 3o. day of Januarij was sette opyn the churche agayen that was sometyme the Grayfreeres, and masse sayd at the auteres wyth dyvers presttes, and it was namyd Crystys churche of the fundacion of kynge Henry the viijth.

Edwardus Sextus Rex.

Item the 31. day of the same monyth was proclamyd kynge Edward the Sixth, and came the same day unto the tower of London. And kynge Henry the eighth dyde at the manor of Whytte halle at Westmyster. And the xiiij. day of February was browte from thens on to Syone and there laye alle nyght, and the nexte day browth un to Wynsore and there byrryd by qwene Jane.

Item the xx. day of the same monyth the sayd kynge Edwarde the sixth came from the tower of London thorrow London, and in dyvers places pagenttes, and alle the strettes hangyd reghely,[1] wyth alle the crafftes stondynge in Chepe, presentynge them as lovynge subjecttes unto their kynge, and soo to Powlles; and at the west ende of Powlles stepull was tayed a cabelle roppe, and the other ende besyde the denes place at an hanker of a sheppe,[2] and a man ronnynge downe on the sayd roppe as swefte as an arrow owte of a bowe downe wyth hys honddes and fette abrode not tochynge the roppe; and whane the kynge had sene the sayd thynge went forth un to the pallys of Westmyster; and the nexte day came from thens unto Westmyster churche, and there was crownyd, and kepte hys fest in Westmyster halle. God of hys mercy sende hym good locke and longe lyffe, with prosperite! And this was done in the ix. yere of hys age and byrth. And at that ryallty was made sir Edward

  1. richly.
  2. A ship's anchor.