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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/94

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Semer that was yerle of Harforth duke of Somerset, and protector and defender of the realme; and sir Thomas Semer hys brother lorde governer un to the kyng;[1] and sir Thomas Worthesle that was at that tyme lorde chaunseler of Ynglond was made yerle of Sowthhamtone; and sir John Dudley that was amrelle of the see was made yerle of Warwyk.[2] And iiij. or v. dayes after was gret justes at Westmyster.

Item the xix. day of June after was a sollome dyrege at Powles for the French kynge,[3] with a goodly herse in the qwere, and the lorde of Arnedel principalle morner, with dyvers byshoppes, the mayer of London with the aldermen, and alle the hed crafftes of London, and alle the qweer, with the boddy of the church hangyd with blacke clothe and hys armys, and ij C. powre men in blacke gownes holdynge staffe torches; and the nexte day the sayd obbyt kepte in every paryche churche in London wyth the belles ryngyng.

Item the v. day after in September beganne the kynges vysytacion at Powlles, and alle imagys pullyd downe; and the ix. day of the same monyth the sayd visytacion was at sent Bryddes, and after that in dyvers other paryche churches; and so alle imagys pullyd downe thorrow alle Ynglonde att that tyme, and alle churches new whytte-lymed, with the commandmenttes wryttyne on the walles. And at that tyme was the byshoppe of London[4] put into the Flette, and was there more than viij. dayes; and after hym was the byshoppe of Wenchester[5] put there also.

Item at this same tyme was pullyd up alle the tomes, grett stones, alle the auteres, with the stalles and walles of the qweer and auteres in the church that was some tyme the Gray freeres, and solde, and the qweer made smaller.[6]

Thys yere the iiijth day of November bagan the parlement at Westmyster, and before this parlament the lord Richard Ryche was

  1. These words are erased and amrelle written in the margin.
  2. An early hand has altered this to made erlle of Warwyke and governor to the kyuge.
  3. Francis I.
  4. Edmund Bonner.
  5. Stephen Gardiner.
  6. See the Prefatory Note on the Grey Friars.