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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/98

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Item the x. day of December was drawne from Newgate unto Towre hylle (blank) and there ware hongyd for qwyneynge of testornes.

Item the xvij. day of January was commytted un to the tower lorde Thomas Semer that was lorde amrelle, with dyvers other, for hye tresone, as yt shalbe declaryd afterwarde.

Item the viij. day of March a bucher of sent Nicolas shambulles was put on the pyllery in Cheppesyde for kepynge of another buchers wyffe in the same strette, and there stode iij. oweres and more.

Item the xx. day of Marche was sir Thomas [Seym]er that was lorde amrelle was be-hedyd at the Towre hylle for hye [treason].

The ijde sonday of Lent preched Coverdalle, and whan hye masse was done the dene of Powlles that was that tyme William May commandyd the sacrament at the hye autre to be pullyd downe.

Item the vj. day of Aprille was a proclamacion for the masse, [and for] ettynge of fleshe agayne May day, but for the fleshe was nothynge kepte.

Item the vij. day after was a grete and marvelus wynde both in the nyght and also in [the] day.

Item the x. day of Aprill was pullyd downe the clowster in Powlles that was callyd the Pardon churcheyerd wyth the chappelle that stode in the myddes, to bylde the protectores place with alle.

Item the xxij. of Aprille was the monday in Ester weke, and that nyght was burnyd fyve howsys at Brokenwharfe.

Item the xxvij. day of Aprill, the whych was the satorday in Ester weke, the ante-baptystes ware in our Lady chappelle in Powlles before the byshoppe of Caunterbory with other comyssioners,[1] and there one recantyd; and the nexte sonday, the wych was Lowe sonday, stode at the crosse and bare a faggott. Item the nexte sattorday after the byshoppe wyth the resydew of the commyssyoners satt agayne. And there was one Jone of Kente other wyse Jone Bucher

  1. These words are erased in the MS.