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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/97

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Item the iijde. [day of] the same monyth was browte from Hygate unto London unto the laumpe in Ne[wgate] market a monstre, a calfe wyth ij. heddes, iiij. eres, iiij. eyne, viij. f[eete] and ij. taylles; that there the mayer wyth dyvers aldermen came thether and saue it, and command[ed] yt to be browte into the stret and there he saue it, and there command[ed] it to be catted into the feldes strayt wayes and to be cutte in peces, and put into the grownde, and soo it was.

Also at that tyme was many ballyttes made of dyvers partys agayne the blyssyd sacrament, one agayne another, and the too pers[ons] that redde in Powlles, as Cardmaker and one that rede tewsday and thursday in Latten, spake agayne the sacrament, and sayd it was but brede and wynne.

Item this yere before Alhallontyd was sett up the howse for the markyt folke in Newgate market for to waye melle in.

Item also this yere was put downe the chappell with the charnell howse in Powlles church yerde, with the too tomes one the north syde, and a iiij. or v. C. lode of bones carred in to the feldes and burryd there.

ijo. Ao. Thys yere on sent Martyns day begane the sarmond at the crosse agayne, and there was the byshoppe of sent Davys one Farrar,[1] but he dyd not preche in hys abbet of a byshoppe, but lyke a prest, and he spake agayne all maner of thynges of the churche and the sacrament of the auter, and vestmenttes, coppes, alterres, with alle other thynges, &c.

Item the xxij. day of November was in the nyghte a grete fyer in the tower of London, and a gret pesse burnyd, by the menes of a Frencheman that sette a barrelle of gonnepoder a fyere, and soo was burnyd hymselfe, and no more persons, but moch hurte besyde; and the xxiiijti. day of the same monyth was sent Annes church at Aldersgate burnyd.

Item at Newyeeres tyde after was put downe the qwyne of the testornes.

  1. Robert Ferrar.