Page:Civil Air Regulations - Part 40 (amended 1946).pdf/8

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independent power source equal to that described therein for such receiver is employed on either the radio range receiver required therein or on this radio direction finder.

40.2531 Radio anti-static antenna. Applicant shall show that there is installed in each aircraft a type certificated radio antenna system, which has for its purpose the collection of radio range signals, weather broadcast and emergency messages transmitted within the frequency range of 200 to 400 kilocycles. The design of this antenna system shall be such as to eliminate insofar as possible, consistent with the advancement of the art, that type of interference commonly known as rain, snow, sleet, or dust static. This antenna system shall be designed to operate efficiently when used in conjunction with a receiver installed aboard such aircraft which has for its primary purpose the reception of radio range signals, weather broadcast and emegency messages.

40.2532 Marker beacon receiver. Applicant shall show that there is installed in each aircraft a type certificated ultra—high frequency receiving system operating on the frequency of 75 megacycles. The system shall provide means for the visual and aural indications of signals transmitted by ultra-high frequency positive—cone-of—silence and fan type marker stations. The design of the system shall preclude, insofar as possible, erroneous patterns of the transmitted signal caused by the receiving system. Such receiving system will not be required if the airway or route traversed is not equipped with ultra—high frequency positive-cone-of-silence or fan type marker stations.

40.254 Hangar facilities. Same as in § 40.236.

40.255 Shop facilities. Same as in §40.237.

40.256 Inspection and overhaul organization and procedures. Same as in § 40.238.

40.26 Airmen requirements: Visual-contact day operation.

40.260 Number. Applicant shall show airmen of a number sufficient to permit the maintaining of all schedules proposed, under safe operating conditions.

40.261 First pilots. Applicant shall show that prior to the issuance of the air carrier operating certificate all persons employed to serve as first pilots for the air carrier meet the following minimum requirements for qualification as to aircraft and route competency:

40.2610 Each first pilot shall he possessed of a valid airline transport pilot competency rating with specifications or ratings indicating competency to pilot aircraft of each model to be used by him in scheduled operation.

40.2611 Requirements for pilot route qualifications. The air carrier shall be responsible for qualifying each first pilot for the route over which he is to fly aircraft in scheduled air transportation as first pilot. Such qualification shall include a thorough knowledge of all of the instrument approach procedures, the terrain, any obstructions or congested areas, and the physical lay-out of the airport and approaches at each regular, provisional, refueling, and alternate airport approved for the route. It shall also include the navigational facilities, communications procedures, minimum safe flight levels, position reporting points, holding procedures, and all other traffic control procedures for the route. In complying with the foregoing requirements the air carrier shall establish a detailed qualifying procedure, including flight over the route. Which shall be performed by the pilot qualifying for the route. Such procedure shall be submitted for the approval of the Administrator and when approved by him shall be made a part of the air carrier operating certificate. A pilot may be listed in the air carrier operating certificate as first pilot for the route when the air carrier has certified to the Administrator that the pilot has performed the qualifying procedures and is qualified for the route, and this certification is endorsed by the pilot.

40.2612 (Unassigned).

40.2613 (Unassigned).

40.2615 Each first pilot shall be familiar with the aircraft, and shall demonstrate to an authorized air carrier inspector of the Administrator, or to a check pilot of the air carrier duly