Page:Civil Air Regulations - Part 40 (amended 1946).pdf/9

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authorized by the Administrator, satisfactory capability to maneuver such aircraft with the maximum authorized load for the route or part thereof; and, in addition, if the aircraft is multi-engined, he shall demonstrate his ability to maneuver such aircraft with said load with any one engine fully throttled either:

(a) at an altitude equivalent to 500 feet above the highest part of the terrain on the proposed route or part thereof to be flown by the pilot in air carrier service, or

(b) at the one engine inoperative service ceiling.

40.262 Second pilots. Applicant shall show that each person employed to serve a second pilot for the air carrier is possessed of at least a valid commercial pilot competency rating and before serving as second pilot in any aircraft in scheduled air transportation service shall have demonstrated to an air carrier inspector representing the Administrator or to a check-pilot of the air carrier duly authorized by the Administrator, his ability to take off and land such aircraft in which he is to serve by making at least three satisfactory take-offs and landings in each model of such aircraft. On and after July 1, 1938, each applicant for or holder of an air carrier operating certificate will be required to show that each such person is possessed of a valid instrument rating, unless possessed of a valid airline transport pilot competency rating.

40.263 Aircraft dispatchers. Applicant shall show that each person assuming aircraft dispatcher duties for the air carrier is familiar with the route or part thereof over which he will dispatch aircraft, the weather characteristics and phenomena peculiar to such route, the nature and peculiarities of the terrain and of obstructions to flight, the air navigation facilities available on the ground and in the aircraft, the contents of the operations manual of the proposed air carrier and the aircraft limitations specified in the certificates of the aircraft proposed for use. On and after July 1, 1938, each applicant for or holder of an air carrier operating certificate will be required to show that each such person is possessed of a valid and appropriate aircraft dispatcher competency rating.

40.27 Airmen requirements: Visual-contact night operation.

40.270 Number. Same as in § 40.260.

40.271 First pilots. Same as in § 40.261, except that at least one one-way trip of those trips required by § 40.2611 shall have been made during the period between 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise.

40.272 Second pilots. Same as in §40.262.

40.273 Aircraft dispatchers. Same as in §40.263.

40.28 Airmen requirements: Instrument or over-the-top operation.

40.280 Number. Same as in §40.260.

40.281 First pilots. Same as in §40.261 and, in addition, applicant shall show that each first pilot, for whom instrument authorization is sought, has demonstrated to an air carrier inspector representing the Administrator, or to a check pilot of the air carrier duly authorized by the Administrator, satisfactory capability with respect to the following:

40.2810 Familiarity with the aircraft, including demonstration of ability to maneuver such aircraft with the maximum authorized load for the route or part thereof, with any one engine fully throttled, either:

(a) at an altitude equivalent to 1,000 feet above the highest part of the terrain on the proposed instrument course of the route, or part thereof, to be flown by the pilot in air carrier service, or

(b) at the one engine inoperative service ceiling.

40.2811 Familiarity with the route and with instruments, including demonstration of ability, under actual or simulated conditions, to fly such route solely by instruments.

40.2812 Familiarity with procedures, including demonstration of ability to accomplish a let-down-through by instruments according to the procedure specified in the appropriate competency letter, at one station at least, on the route, in each model of aircraft to be used by the pilot in air carrier operation. Such demonstrations as to the other stations as deemed necessary by the Administrator may be made to an air carrier inspector representing the Administrator, or to a check pilot of the air carrier duly authorized by the Administrator, under simulated conditions or by equivalent means approved by the Administrator.

40.282 Second pilots. Are required for all instrument operations and shall meet the minimum requirements of §40.262.