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is about dinner-time; what say ye till’t goodman? can you buckle me or no?

 Goodman.) A dear John, ye're in an unco haste, ye wadna hae your wife hame wi' ye?

they're a' three before ye, which o' them will ye tak? me, but

 Hout, tout says John, ony o' them will sair my mither says there's twa o' them has fauts. And what is their fauts? said the goodwife. Hout said John, it's no meikle faut, but I dinna like it, they got men or they were married. And what shall I do wi' them?

said the goodman.

 John.) A deed, goodman, as ye're ay dealing among dead beasts and living beasts, I

wad put them awa amang ither beasts, or gin ye be aun ony penny, let somebody tak them up o' desperate debt, I sud flie the fykes frae then, they anger'd you and shamed you baith wi' their bastards, a wheen daft jades it gets men or they be married, and bairns, or they get bridals.

 Goodwife.) A wat weel that's true lad.
 Girzy.) A weel John then, will ye tak me; I hae nae bastards; how will you and I do?
 John.) I watna gin you be able to get a bastard, yet ye may hae some waur faut; but