ye maun be my pennyworth for ye're unco little, and I'm o'er muckle, and gin ye and I were ance carded through ither, we may get bonny weans of a middlen mak. I have nae fauts to ye, but ye hae a high breast, a humph back, a short neck, and high shouthers the hands and legs may do, tho' your month be a wee to the tae side, it will lie weel to the rock, and I hae a hantle of tow to spin, will be baith sarks and sacks till us, ye'll be my soncy dauty up and down, a perfect beauty wi' cat's yellow een, black brows, and red lips, and your very nose is a purpy colour; ye hae nae fauts at a’, Now, whan will ye be married;
Girzy.) Ha, ha, John lad, we manna think on that yet. John.) What the yeltow lass, should na ye be ready whan I'm ready, and every body says,
that the women's ay ready.
Goodman.) Ye'll hae to come back and bring somebody wi' you, and we'll gree about it, and set the day whan ye'll be married.. John.) A weel, goodman, l'll tell my mither o't, and come back on Mononday, and we'll hae a chapin o' ale, and roasted cheese on the chance o't: but I maun hae a word o'