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Commonly Used Drugs

Many drugs can alter a person’s thinking and judgment, and can lead to health risks, including addiction, drugged driving, infectious disease, and adverse effects on pregnancy. Information on commonly used drugs with the potential for misuse or addiction can be found here.

For information about treatment options for substance use disorders, see NIDA’s Treatment pages. For drug use trends, see our Trends and Statistics page. For the most up-to-date slang terms, please see Slang Terms and Code Words: A Reference for Law Enforcement Personnel (DEA, PDF, 1MB).

The following drugs are included in this resource:

Alcohol Methamphetamine
Ayahuasca Over-the Counter Medicines--Dextromethorphan (DXM)
Central Nervous System Depressants
Cocaine Over-the-Counter Medicines--Loperamide
GHB Prescription Opioids
Hallucinogens Prescription Stimulants
Heroin Psilocybin
Inhalants Rohypnol® (Flunitrazepam)
Ketamine Salvia
Khat Steroids (Anabolic)
Kratom Synthetic Cannabinoids
LSD Synthetic Cathinones ("Bath Salts")
Marijuana (Cannabis) Tobacco/Nicotine
MDMA (Ecstacy/Molly)
Mescaline (Peyote)

**Drugs are classified into five distinct categories or schedules “depending upon the drug’s acceptable medical use and the drug’s abuse or dependency potential.” More information and the most up-to-date scheduling information can be found on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s website.

June 2020