pain of mortal sin, only what she deems absolutely necessary.
Application. Make it a rule to go to Confession and Communion at least once a month,
8. What are we commanded to do by the Fifth Commandment of the Church?
We are commanded to contribute cheerfully, according to our means, to the support of our Pastors and of our churches, schools, and religious institutions, and of Religion generally.
9. Are we bound in conscience and in justice to contribute to the support of our Pastors?
Yes; and by a Divine precept also. St. Paul says: ' So the Lord ordained, that they who preach the Gospel should live by the Gospel' (1 Cor. ix. 13, 14).
Under the Old Law God commanded the people of Israel to give tithes and offerings for the support of the priesthood and the maintenance of worship. In the Church, from the beginning, this was a sacred duty. 'For as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the price of the things they sold, and laid it down before the feet of the Apostles, and distribution was made to every one, according as he had need' (Acts iv. 34, 35).
10. Does this Commandment of the Church apply only to heads of families?
No: it applies also to all who earn or enjoy an income of their own.
(On the Sixth Commandment of the Church, 'Not to marry within certain degrees of kindred, or privately without witnesses, nor to solemnize marriage at the forbidden times,' see the Sacrament of Matrimony.)
The Violation of the Commandments.
§ 1. On Sin in general.
I. What is actual sin?
Actual sin is a wilful violation of the Law of God.