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18. What is ' Humility '?

Humility is a virtue which teaches us to acknowledge our own unworthiness, weakness, and sinfulness, and to look upon all good as coming from God.

Examples: Abraham (Gen. xviii. 27); the Publican (Luke xviii. 13); St. Paul (1 Cor. xv. 8, 9). 'Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven' (Matt, xviii. 3).

19. What is ' Liberality '?

Liberality is a virtue which inclines us to use our property for the relief of the needy, or for other laudable purposes.

Examples: Tobias (Tob. i. 19, 20); Solomon (3 Kings v.viii.); the first Christians (Acts ii. 45). 'Give, and it shall be given to you' (Luke vi. 38).

20. What is ' Chastity '?

Chastity is a virtue which subdues all impure inclinations and desires by which modesty is violated.

Examples: Joseph, Susanna, and, above all, the Blessed Virgin Mary. 'They that are Christ's have crucified their flesh with the vices and concupiscences' (Gal. v. 24).

21. What is ' Meekness '?

Meekness is a virtue which suppresses all desire of revenge, and any motion of unjust anger and displeasure.

Examples: David (1 Kings xxiv. and xxvi.); St. Stephen (Acts vii. 58). 'Learn of me, because I am meek and humble of heart' (Matt. xi. 29).

22. What is ' Temperance in eating and drinking '?

Temperance in eating and drinking is a virtue by which we control ourselves, especially our appetite for eating and drinking.

Examples: Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias (Dan. i.); John the Baptist (Matt. iii. 4). 'Let us walk honestly, not in rioting and drunkenness' (Rom. xiii. 13).

23. What is ' Brotherly Love '?

Brotherly love is a virtue by which we wish every one well, and sincerely rejoice and condole with our neighbor.

Examples: The history of Ruth and of Tobias. ' Love one an-