tize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.'
6. Why do you say that ' in Baptism we are cleansed from all sin'?
Because in Baptism original sin. and all the sins committed before Baptism, are forgiven.
7. Is also the punishment due to sin remitted?
Yes; the temporal as well as the eternal punishment is remitted in Baptism.
8. Why are we, even after Baptism, still subject to some defects of original sin, as death, concupiscence, and many tribulations and infirmities?
1. That we ourselves may experience how punishable and pernicious sin is, and hate it so much the more; and 2. That we may increase our merits for Heaven by our combats and sufferings.
9. Why do you further say that we are ' re-born and sanctified to life everlasting '?
Because in Baptism we are not only cleansed from all sin, but are also transformed in a spiritual manner, made holy, children of God, and heirs of Heaven.
' He saved us by the laver of regeneration, and renovation of the Holy Ghost, whom He hath poured forth upon us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; that, being justified by His grace, we may be his heirs, according to hope, of life everlasting' (Tit. iii. 5-7).
10. By what is this spiritual re-birth and sanctification effected?
It is effected by the grace of sanctification, which, together with the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity, the Holy Ghost infuses into the soul in Baptism.
' The charity of God is poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us' (Rom. v. 5).
11. And why do you say that we are re-born and sanctified ' in Christ '?
To signify that all these graces are given to us, be