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19. Whence have we received those ceremonies which, in the administration of the Sacraments, are used together with the signs instituted by Christ?

From the Church, which, under the assistance of the Holy Ghost, has ordained them for the increase of our devotion and reverence.

Application. Esteem the Holy Sacraments as most precious means of grace instituted by Christ; give fervent thanks to God for them, and beware of profaning them by imprecations or by unworthily receiving them.


1. Which is the first and most necessary Sacrament?

The first and most necessary Sacrament is Baptism.

2. Why is Baptism the first Sacrament?

Because before Baptism no other Sacrament can be validly received.

3. Why is Baptism the most necessary Sacrament?

Because without Baptism no one can be saved.

'Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God' (John iii. 5).

God has not revealed to us what becomes of those children who die without Baptism. All we know is that they are not admitted to enjoy the sight or beatific vision of God, nor are they punished like those who have sinned of their own free will. However, it is to be supposed that their life hereafter is also to them a benefit of God.

4. What is Baptism?

Baptism is a Sacrament in which, by water and the word of God, we are cleansed from all sin, and re-born and sanctified in Christ to life everlasting.

5. Why do you say that we are baptized ' by water and the word of God '?

Because Baptism is administered by pouring water over the head or over the body of him who is baptized, and, at the same time, pronouncing these words: 'I bap-