57. How do you make an ' Act of Adoration '?
O my Jesus, in union with all the Angels and Saints I adore Thee in this Most Holy Sacrament, in which Thou art concealed for the love of me; I adore Thee as my Lord and my God, my Creator and my Redeemer.
58. How do you make an ' Act of Contrition '?
O my Jesus, I am most heartily sorry for all my sins, because by them I have provoked and offended Thee, my most bountiful God, whom I love above all things.
59. How do you make an ' Act of Humility '?
My Lord and my Saviour, how dare I approach Thee after having so often offended Thee! Indeed, I am not worthy to receive Thee into my heart; but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.
60. How do you make an ' Act of Hope '?
Yes, my most amiable Jesus, Thy mercy is unbounded! Thou vouchsafest to come to me, and to dwell in my heart; so Thou wilt also, I confidently hope, sanctify me, and replenish me with Thy grace.
61. How do you make an 'Act of Love'?
O my Jesus, Thou hast loved me unto the death of the Cross, and, for the love of me, Thou wilt now become also the food of my soul. Oh! what return can I make for Thy love? In life and in death I will love Thee, and none but Thee.
62. How do you make an 'Act of Desire'?
Come, Jesus, come and take possession of my heart; make it entirely Thine own. Come, my Jesus, come and visit me, and strengthen me with Thy grace.
63. How must we prepare ourselves as to the 'body'?
1. We must be fasting; that is, from twelve o'clock