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the night before we must not have taken even the least thing by way of eating or drinking;1 and

2. We must be decently dressed.

1 The Church commands this under pain of a grievous sin, in order to prevent great abuses that would follow from the disregard of this law.

64. Who are dispensed from this command to receive fasting?

Those who are dangerously ill, and receive the Blessed Sacrament by way of Viaticum — i.e., as a preparation for their passage into eternity.

The Holy See grants to invalids, even though not dangerously ill, permission to take some liquid food after midnight before going to Communion, with the approval of their Confessor, provided that they have been laid up at least a month, and that they have no definite hope of a speedy recovery. They may thus receive once or twice a week as long as their illness lasts.

65. How should we approach the altar-rail, in order to receive Holy Communion?

With the greatest reverence, with hands joined and raised, and eyes cast down.

66. What should we do at the time of our receiving the Sacred Host?

We should spread the communion-cloth over our hands and under our chin, hold the head erect and firm, extend the tongue a little upon the under lip, and then most reverently receive the Sacred Host.

Do not keep the Sacred Host in your mouth until it is quite dissolved; but let it moisten a little upon your tongue, and then swallow it. Should it stick to the roof of your mouth, remove it with your tongue, and not with your finger. Gloves should not be worn.

67. What must we do after receiving Holy Communion?

We must retire with the greatest modesty to our place, and spend some time in devout prayer.

No time is more precious and more favorable for obtaining graces than that which immediately follows Holy Communion;