13. What are the effects of the Sacrament of Penance?
1. It remits the guilt of sins committed after Baptism;
2. It remits the eternal, and at least a part of the temporal, punishment due to our sins;
3. It restores, or, if it is not lost, it increases, sanctifying grace; and
4. It also confers other particular graces to enable us to lead a holy life.
14. How many things are required on our part, in order to receive the Sacrament of Penance worthily?
These five: 1. Examination of Conscience; 2. Contrition; 3. Resolution of Amendment; 4. Confession; and 5. Satisfaction.
§ 1. The Examination of Conscience.
15. What is meant by 'examining our conscience'?
To examine our conscience means to meditate seriously "upon our sins, in order that we may know them well.
16. How must we begin the Examination of Conscience?
By imploring the assistance of the Holy Ghost, that He may give us the grace rightly to know, to repent, and to confess our sins.
17. How do we implore the assistance of the Holy Ghost?
Come, Holy Ghost, enlighten my understanding, that I may rightly know my sins; and move my hearty that I may properly repent of them, sincerely confess them, and truly amend my life.
18. In what manner should we examine our conscience?
1. We should examine when it was that we last made a good Confession, and whether we perform.ed the penance then laid upon us; and
2. We should go through the Commandments of God