and of the Church, and through the obligations of our state of life, and also through the different kinds of sin, carefully examining in what way and how often we have offended God by thoughts, words, actions, and omissions.
19. Must we also examine ourselves on the number and the circumstances of our sins?
Yes; at least, when they are mortal.
20. Against what faults are we to guard in the Examination of Conscience?
1. We must not examine ourselves too hastily and superficially; 2. We must not conceal our favorite sins from ourselves; 3. We must not take all that to be trifling which the world considers as such; but we should place ourselves in spirit before the tribunal of God; 4. On the other hand, we must avoid becoming too scrupulous.
21. How much time ought we to employ in the Examination of Conscience?
The more carelessly we have lived, and the longer we have stayed from Confession, the more time and diligence ought we to employ in examining ourselves.
22. How can we facilitate this examination?
By examining our conscience every day, and by going frequently to Confession.
§ 2. On Contrition.
23. What is Contrition?
Contrition is a hearty sorrow for our sins, and a detestation of them.
24. What qualities must Contrition have, that our sins may be forgiven?
These three: It must be, 1. Interior; 2. Universal; and 3. Supernatural.
25. How must Contrition be 'interior'?
We must not grieve merely in words for our sins, but