into it, put it in a cask, and set it in a place where the rays of the sun have full power on it; put a tile over the bung-hole when it rains, and every night, but in the day-time, when it is fine weather, take it off; and when you find it is sour enough, which will be in the month of August, (but if it is not sour enough, let it stand till it is) then draw it off, put it into a clean cask, and throw in a handful of isinglass; let it stand till it is fine, then draw it off for use.
Take two pounds of the pips of elder-flowers, and put them in a stone jar, with two gallons of white vinegar; let them steep, and stir them every day for a fortnight; then strain the vinegar from the flowers, press them close, and let it stand to settle; then pour it from the settlings, and put a piece of filtering paper in a funnel, and filter it through; then put it in pint bottles, cork it close, and keep it for use.
Pick the leaves off the stalks of green tarragon, just before it goes into bloom, and put a pound weight to every gallon of white wine vinegar, and treat it in the same manner as elder vinegar.
Take half a bushel of green walnuts, before the shell is informed, and grind them in a crabmill, or beat them in a marble mortar; then squeeze out the juice through a coarse cloth, and wring the cloth well to get all the juice out; to