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Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/376

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every gallon of juice put a quart of red wine, a quarter of a pound of anchovies, the same of bay-salt, one ounce of cloves and mace, a little ginger, and horse-radish cut in slices; oil altogether till it is reduced to half the quantity; pour it into a pan; when it is cold, bottle it, cork it tight, and it will be fit for use in three months. If you have any pickle left in the jar after your walnuts are used, to every gallon of pickle put in two heads of garlic, a quart of red wine, and an ounce each of cloves, mace, long, black, and Jamaica pepper, and boil them all together till it is reduced to half the quantity; pour it into a pan, and the next day bottle if for use, and cork it tight.

To make Mushroom Ketchup.

Take a bushel of the large flaps of mushrooms, gathered dry, and bruise them with your hands; put some at the bottom of an earthen pan, strew some salt over them, then mushrooms, then salt, till your have done; put in half an ounce of beaten cloves and mace, the same of all-spice, and let them stand five or six days; stir them up every day; then tie a paper over them, and bake them for four hours in a slow oven; when so done, strain them through a cloth to get all the liquor out, and let it stand to settle; then pour it clear from the settlings; to every gallon of liquor add a quart of red wine, and if not salt enough, a little salt, a race of ginger cut small, half an ounce of cloves and mace, and boil it till about one third is reduced; then strain it through a sieve into a pan; the next day pour it from the set-
