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Consolation for Bird Protectionists!

Following are sections from a holographic conception, ad literatim, which fell into the clutches of an associate editor of The Condor. Feeling that it would be a little short of a crime to withhold such a gem which should indeed delight the hearts of all the ultra-bird-protectionists, here it is:

"Dear Friends:—Sample copy of Bulletin of Cooper Ornithological Club is at hand, and its Contents in its Place, must Say that I am not able to master more Reading matter as I hav at Hand now! but Friends I Greet you as a Club in behalf of our Fethered Friends of this Continent it Needs Organisations of this Class and the more the better, but let us not only Bear in mind together the wonderful Knowledge of the Seekreaths of Each and All of our companions and there lifes Stories which charms ech and every lover of Nature, it seems to mi that it wil hearafter be the Duty of the Ornithologist not only to make collections of Eggs and Scins To Fill Museums, and Exihibitions and Private Collections of Eather. Which is overdon, if going on at the Rate as heartofore it wil bi only a Matter of Time when many Verieties wil bi no more! A Frind of the Birds should First of All Trye to Prevent Routing out any God given species it should be his Honore to Preserf what is left of them to Day Let us look Back in the short space of the Past and wi must admit the monstrosity with which many Species hav bing Exterminated in So Short a Space wil Fill Everyone with Sorrow and Greaf, and wil make short work of Destroying the onest Butiful Bird world of America. You all Know My Frinds What Power the Almighty Doller has. 25 millions Butiful Singers pr anum for Lady's Head Trimming, for Robbins Pye, and Blue Gees [Blue Jay's?] Stue, the Mani Bisnis Houses that Deels in Bird Scins and Eggs from a Sparrow to the Rarest, all is don for the Doller, and no endin Sight until the last one of many kinds will bi no more! Unles our Noble and True lovers of Natures Grandest Buties wil Join together Speedily to Put a Strict Halt to the Murderous Praces. Hand in Hand. Pull the Rope together in Protecting them, the onest Noble Bison shoes a Clear Cut. 30 years ago our Horizant Darkenet with many millions of Wild Pitgeons, not one Comes more, the wild Gees allmost gone? The Deer in its Last State. European Countrys have to Day more Game and Birds as this so Butiful gifted Country with its Endless Forrest and Lakes Mountains Madows and Streams and Haunts. Our Norther Latitude at this time has Tent its Summer Birds to your Clymes where Milder days and better Spreat Tables awayts them, all hav gon! and mi hope to see them again. Even the Raven is seldom, the Owl, the Wood pecker. Bluegees the Chicadee Several Sparrow kinds remain with us Ever, and the only left, wi have an Autumn Mild and Nice wether And as non of us Ever witnesed the last Few days, the Fore bottings of Winter hav arrived Two Kinds of Snowbirds from Further Northern Countrys Wi can Rely on Snow and Cold days from now on. My Frinds I live amongst the Birds, and they are Mi True Frinds, there little lifes are my amusement and studi for I lov Naturs Treshures and wil Never Siese to Protect them."

How true it is! "All have gon! even the Raven is Seldom."'

H. R. T.


In his address before the Annual Meeting of the Northern Division of the Club. President Emerson proposed that the Club should have a study collection of 5,000 Californian skins for the use of its members and others. To start such a movement Mr. Emerson suggests that each member who inclines toward the study of skins donate 1oo skins, and he generously offers to contribute double the number himself as a nucleus. The proposition is one easy of accomplishment if the members of the Club will take hold of it.


Letters touching upon the value of the papers published in the Condor continue to flow in, and we assure the writers that their kind words are appreciated.