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Avifauna of a 100-Acre Ranch.


[Read before the Southern Division of the Cooper Orn. Club.]

Concluded from last issue.

66. Belted Kingfisher. Ceryle alcyon. A regular and rather common migrant, seen sometimes but rarely in the winter.

67. Gairdner's Wooppecker. Dryobates pubescens gairdneri. In six years I have shot one bird and seen one other. Each of these was in the fall migration.

68. Nuttall's Woodpecker. Dryobates nuttalli. On Aug. 7, 1897 I shot an immature male, the only time I have seen an individual of this species about here.

69. Red-naped Sapsucker. Sphyrapicus varius nuchalis. A female adult shot Oct. 17, 1899.

70. Red-breasted Sapsucker. Sphyrapicus ruber. A winter visitant of rare and irregular occurrence.

71. Californian Woodpecker. Melanerpes formictvorus bairdi. I have seen just one bird in the vicinity, and was unable to get it.

72. Red-shafted Flicker. Colaptes cafer. These birds arrive about the end of September and are very common all through the winter and until late in the spring.

73. Dusky Poor-will. Phalenoptilus nuttalli nitidus. On Sept. 30, 1898 I shot an adult female. I saw another on Oct. 25 but was unable to get it.

74. Texan Nighthawk. Chordeiles acutipennis texensis. A common migrant, the young birds usually appearing by the middle of July. I have never known them to breed in the immediate vicinity.

75. Vaux's Swift. Chetura vauxii. A migrant, far more common in the fall than in the spring, and more numerous in some years than in others.

76. White-throated Swift. Aeronautes melanoleucus. Seen during the migrations and often in the winter,

77. Black-chinned Hummingbird. Tyochilus alexandri. A rather rare migrant. I have seldom seen more than two or three during a migration.

78. Anna's Hummingbird. Calypie anna. Very common every month in the year.

79. Costa's Hummingebird. Calypie costa. A very rare spring migrant.

80. Rufous Hummingbird. Selasphorus rufus. A common migrant. In August and September the young birds are especially numerous.

81. Calliope Hummingbird. Stellula calliofe. A rare migrant. One fall an adult male was seen by Mr. G. F. Morcom, feeding on some flowers in the garden. I saw a male April 22, 1898 but was unable to get it.

82. Arkansas Kingbird. Tyrannus verticalis. A common summer resident.

83. Cassin's Kingbird. Tyrannus vociferans. Common during the fall migration and often seen through the winter. Seen occasionally in the spring.

84. Ash-Throated Flycatcher. Myiarchus cinerascens. A regular and rather abundant migrant.

85. Say's Phoebe. Sayornis saya. A common winter resident. I shot one as late as April 6, 1898.

86. Black Phoebe. Sayornis nigricans. A common resident.

87. Olive-Sided Flycatcher. Contopus borealis. A regular but not abundant migrant.

88 Western Wood Pewee. Contopus richardsonii. A common migrant.

89 Western Flycatcher. Empidonax difficilis. Usually an abundant migrant. I shot a male on March 21, 1899, which was unusually early and did not see another bird during the migration. In the fall the immature birds are generally quite abundant.