stituent Assembly, in the years 1789, '90, and '91; and neither topropose nor to consent to anything, in the course of the legislature, that may assail it, and to be in all respects faithful to the nation, tothe law, and to the King. Art. 7. The representatives of the nation are inviolable; they canneither be apprehended, indicted, nor judged at any time, on accountof what they may say, write, or do in the exercise of their functionsas representatives. Art. 8. They may, on account of criminal actions, be arrested, when taken in the act, or by virtue of an order of arrest; but immediateinformation must be given thereof to the Legislative Body, and theprosecution can not be proceeded with until the Legislative Body shalldecide that there are grounds for the prosecution. CHAPTER II. OF ROYALTY, OF THE REGENCY, AND OF MINISTERS. Section I. Of Royalty and of the King. Article i. Royalty is indivisible, and is transmitted by inheritanceto the reigning family, from male to male, in the order of primogeniture, to the perpetual exclusion of females and their descendants. Art. 2. The person of the King is inviolable and sacred, his onlytitle is that of King of the French. Art. 3. In France there is no authority superior to the law; theKing only reigns by virtue of it, and it is only in the name of the lawthat he can require obedience. The King, on his accession to the throne, or as soon as he shallattain his majority, shall take, before the nation and in the presence of the Legislative Body, an oath to be faithful to the nation, and to thelaw and to employ all the power that is delegated to him to maintainthe Constitution decreed by the National Constituent Assembly, andte execute the laws. . Art. 4. If the Legislative Body is not assembled, the King shallpublish a proclamation in which he shall express the oath, with apromise to repeat it as soon as the Legislative Body shall meet. Art. 5. After one month from the call of the Legislative Body, ifthe King shall not have taken the oath, or if, after having taken it, heretract it, he shall be accounted as having abdicated the throne. Art. 6. If the King shall place himself at the head of an army,
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