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Constitutional History of France.

or direct its forces against the nation, or if he does not oppose, bya formal act, such an attempt made in his name, he shall beaccounted as having abdicated the throne. Art. 7. If the King, having passed beyond the territory of thekingdom does not reenter it upon the call of the Legislative l»ody, within a time which shall be fixed by proclamation, which shall not beless than two months, he shall be judged to have abdicated the throne. The delay shall commence to run from the day the proclamation of theLegislative I?ody shall have been published at its place of sitting, andthe ministers shall be required, under their responsibility, to do allexecutive acts, the exercise of which have been suspended by theabsence of the King. ART. 8. After an actual or legal abdication, the King shall beclassed as a citizen, and may be accused and judged in the samemanner for acts done subsequent to his abdication. Akt. 9. The private property which the King possessed on hisaccession to the throne is irrevocably transferred to the estates of thenation; he has the disposition of that to which he acquires personal title, still, if he has not disposed of it, it is appropriated, in like manner, atthe end of his reign. Akt. 10. The nation provides a sum of money for his household, which amount the Legislative Body shall determine at each change ofreign, and for the duration of the reign. Art. ir. The King shall nominate an administrator of the civil list, who shall carry on all judicial suits of the King, and against whom allactions, on account of the King, shall be commenced and judgmententered. The judgments obtained by the creditors of the civil listshall be executed against the administrator personally, and satisfiedout of his personal property. Akt. 12. The King shall have, independent of the guard of honorwhich shall be furnished by the citizen National Guard at the place ofhis residence, a guard paid from the funds of the civil list; it shall notexceed 1, 200 infantry and 600 cavalry. The rank and the rules ofpromotion shall be the same as that of the troops of the line, butthose who compose the guard of the King shall be advanced for allgrades exclusively among themselves, and shall not be promoted in thetroops of the line. The King shall only choose the men of his guardfrom those in active service in the line, or from citizens who have seenone year's service in the National Guard, provided they are residentcitizens in the kingdom, and have previously taken the civic oath.