after having verified the regularity of the election, shall cause it to bepublished, by proclamation, throughout the kingdom. Art. ii. The regent exercises, until the majority of the King, allthe functions of royalty, and is not personally responsible for the actsof his administration. Art. 12. The regent can only enter upon the exercise of his functions after he has taken, before the nation and in the presence of theLegislative Body, the oath to be faithful to the nation, to the law, andto the King; to employ all the power delegated to the King, the exercise of which has been confided to him during the minority of theKing; to maintain the Constitution decreed by the National ConstituentAssembly in the years 1789, '90, and '91; and to cause the law to beexecuted. If the Legislative Body is not sitting, the regent mustpublish a proclamation, in which he shall express the oath, with thepromise to repeat it as soon as the Legislative Body shall meet. Art. 13. As long as the regent is not exercising his functions, thesanction of the laws shall remain suspended; the ministers, under theirresponsibility, continue to do all acts of executive power. Art. 14. As soon as the regent shall take the oath, the LegislativeBody shall determine what income shall be paid to him, which, beingestablished, can not be changed during the regency. Art. 15. If, by reason of the minority of the relative entitled to theregency, it has devolved on a relative farther removed, or has beendecreed by election, the regent who shall enter upon the exercise of the office shall continue his functions until the majority of the King. Art. 16 The regency of the kingdom confers no right upon theperson of the King during minority. Art. 17. The guardianship of the King, during his minority, shallbe confided to his mother; and if he has no mother, or, if she hasmarried again at the time of the accession of her son to the throne, or, if she marries again during his minority, the guardianship shall bedecreed by the Legislative Body. Neither the regent nor his offspring, nor a female, can be elected to the guardianship of the King duringminority. Art. 18. In the event of the notoriously recognized insanity of theKing, legally authenticated and declared by the Legislative Body afterthree successive deliberations taken from month to month, the regencyshall continue as long as the insanity lasts.
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